

 2015/10/12  1375  通譯翻譯|同聲傳譯











A Van Gogh painting valued at $50 million that was stolen from the Mahmoud Khalil Museum in Cairo earlier on Saturday has now been recovered. The Egyptian cultural minister said two Italians were arrested at Cairo Airport, trying to smuggle the painting out of the country. Yolande Knell reports from Cairo.

Airports and ports in Egypt had been told to look out for this painting of a Vase of Poppies to make sure it wasn’t smuggled abroad. In the end, the picture estimated to be worth $50 million was discovered at Cairo Airport just hours after it was snatched. According to Egyptian officials, the painting had been cut out of its frame shortly after the Mahmoud Khalil Museum opened early in the day. The museum has one of the most impressive collections of 19th and 20th century paintings in the region.

【音頻下載】10月12日 聽寫題.zip